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The library has an excellent selection of books on women that numerous professionals, library professionals, and the general reading public can touch and use. A search for the terms "women" or "women's" in the Library of Congress Catalog also brings up a collection of books that are not necessarily about history but are of interest to historians in their everyday work of organizing and researching collections of documents. History itself may be women's history, but certainly not the only woman's history, indeed, not even told from a woman's point of view. A complete account of what women have done as a group, and how they have been affected by circumstances, by culture, and by their own sometimes indomitable drives to succeed and to advance in this country or another, is a story for which a number of other views are also well informed and worth recounting.
Contm os fundamentos histricos, conceituais e metodolgicos, bem como as aplicaes prticas da epidemiologia. Os 24 captulos esto dispostos em cinco partes. Na primeira so apresentados um histrico e os conceitos gerais; na segunda os indicadores de sade; na terceira a epidemiologia descritiva; na quarta os aspectos metodolgicos; na quinta as aplicaes prticas. Glossrio com termos descritivos. Cada captulo termina com questionrio, exerccios (com respostas ao final da obra), leitura complementar e bibliografia. Destinado a estudantes da rea de sade e epidemiologistas.
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