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Missed a meeting, but want to know what was discussed? Check here for meeting notes.

Meeting Minutes

January 10th

Opening pledge. Minutes from December meeting. Treasurer's & Membership report. 


  • Western PA Beekeepers Conference- Moroeville PA- Feb. 14th-15th (Gateway High School)

  • MSBA Winter Meeting, Kim Flottum and Kevin Iglin - Harford County Community College - Feb. 15th

  • Honey Judging Class- UMD/College Park- May 2nd 

  • Spring Meeting, David Tarpy - UMD/College Park- June 13th


  1. Proposal to raise membership dues to $10 after April 1, 2020. Will vote on this at a later meeting.

  2. Replacement location for Camp Hickory. 


   Questions from "What Do You Know?" by Clarence H. Collison 

Program: Winter Feeding

  • Candy Boards

  • Fondant

  • Patties

  • Other?


Snacks and Socialize 

January 11th Meeting (42 in attendance)

Louis Capezuto, of Honey Hole Apiary, gave a presentation on how to make whipped honey. ​

  • Start by using small controlled crystals (small crystals need to reproduce).

  • Place three tablespoons of the small crystalized honey in a bowl and begin to work in against the side of the bowl until you get a paste. If you don't hear crunching anymore, you can stop. 

  • Add in liquid honey, with ABSOLUTELY NO CRYSTALS in it, and stir slowly. Do not use a mixer or whisk. Make sure you do not lift the spoon out of the bowl, you do not want to add air to the mix. 

  • After it is mixed into a paste, add to a jar. Set the lid on it, do not screw it on tight, and let sit overnight.

  • Scrape the foam off the top. The more air you added during mixing, the more foam you will have.

  • Screw the lid on and set in a room with the temperature as close to 57* as you can get (usually a basement works well).

  • Let sit for three days. After, you should have your product!

We would like to thank Louis for his support and presentation for the club, and we hope to have him back to offer more help and presentations! ​Check out his website at the button below!

Lewis and Louis are going to be offering a Queen Rearing (Grafting) Class this summer. It will consist of two Saturdays in a row, and everyone who participates gets a queen. The date and location will be announced at a later date. 

Ben Cooper made announcements about events coming up around the tri-state area:

  • February 2nd- Maryland State Beekeepers Winter Meeting, will be held at Harford Community College. Doors open at 9am, meeting starts at 9am and runs to 4pm.

  • February 15th-16th- Western Maryland Beekeepers Seminar will be held at Gateway High School (15th- 7pm-9pm & 16th 8am-5pm, registration at 7:30am)

  • March 25th- Into to Beekeeping at Allegany College of Maryland: Continuing Education.

  • March 26th: Intro to Beekeeping at Bedford Tech Center.

  • April 27th- Frostburg Arts Walk at City Place, 3pm-9pm. Set up time to be announced.

  • S.T.E.M. at FSU- Date to be announced later.



December 14th Meeting 

This meeting was replaced with our Christmas Party. Members provided food, and a gift exchange was held. Door Prizes were provided by several companies. Big thank you to those companies for your generous donations! 

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