All Supported X86 Based Versions Of Windows 7
In 1993, Microsoft finally released the first 32-bit version of Windows 95, which used an incompatible x86 architecture. Windows NT, released in November 1992, is the first OS to implement the 32-bit, high-performance x86 instruction set architecture. Windows NT was initially the only 32-bit OS available, and was the first Windows operating system to be widely available for the x86 platform. Windows NT's predecessor, OS/2, had been designed for a different architecture and could not be ported to x86, which initially restricted the x86 platform to technical users, who could not use the pre-existing software for other platforms, like DOS. By the time of its release, Windows NT was licensed to more than 50% of the market, and over 90% by late 1994. In 1995, Microsoft launched Windows 95, which, although incompatible with Windows NT, had an x86 version. This in turn precipitated the release of Windows 98 in August 1996, which was both compatible with Windows NT and a fully 32-bit operating system. The major improvements in Windows 98 were the introduction of Windows Explorer, a new graphical user interface, and Windows Me, which was a consumer-oriented version of NT.
Windows NT 5.1, released in May 1999, is the last version of Windows NT to be compatible with the IBM PC/AT platform. Windows 2000, released in November 1999, was the first version of Windows NT to be compatible with the x86-based Intel Pentium processor. Windows XP, released in November 2001, was the first version of Windows NT to support the AMD Athlon processor. Windows 2000, XP, and later versions of Windows NT do not support networking using the IBM PC-compatible Network Interface Card (NIC). This limitation was later partially remedied with the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) version 7.2, which was released in March 2010. Microsoft's state of the art security service, Windows Defender, uses a a combination of several technologies to protect against malicious software. The service, which is part of Windows, scans the computer for malware and provides real-time protection against malware. Windows Defender has many features, including boot time scanning, real-time protection, and automatic cleanup of malware.
cx_Oracle 5.2.0 supports Python 2.6 and 2.7.cx_Oracle is tested and compatible with Python 3.4.cx_Oracle's Python 3.4 support requires that the cx_Oracle binaries and modules be built with Python 3.4 support. cx_Oracle 4.6.0 and earlier are Python 2.6 and 2.7 compatible, but do not support Python 3.4. To use Python 3.4 with previous cx_Oracle versions, you can use the cx_Oracle binaries and modules built with Python 3.4 support. To use Python 3.4 with the cx_Oracle 4.6.0 and earlier binaries and modules, the cx_Oracle Python 3.4 support must be built into these binaries and modules themselves. See for more information.
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