Prakashak Fonts Convert 17 |WORK|
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Orthodox Hinduism does not permit readmission of the apostates, and it was not till the rise of the Arya Samaj that reconversion of shuddhi was encouraged.The Singh Sabha was not averse to reclaiming converts, but its focus was mainly on religious reform and education. Specifically for reconversion a separate Jatt Singh Sabha was formed at Lahore by Bhai Uttam Singh and Bhai Nihal Singh Jamadar. Some other Sikhs individually cooperated with the Arya Samaj ists in their efforts at reconversion.
Under the constitution of the Sabha, shuddhi meant conversion or reconversion of one from Christianity or Islam to Sikh or Hindu faith. Like converts, patits, i.e. fallen ones guilty of a major kurahit or breach of religious discipline, were readmitted into the Sikh faith. If a Hindu wanted to enter the Sikh fold and was willing to observe rahit or the code of the Khalsa, he was to be administered khande di pahul, Khalsa rites by the double edged sword.If any new entrant was not yet prepared to adopt the Sikh discipline, he was, as a first step, administered charan pahul, or initiation by sanctified water, to become a sahajdhan (gradualist) Sikh declaring himself a follower of the Sikh Gurus and of no other religion.
The main force behind the activities of the Shuddhi Sabha was Dr Jai Singh. In Baisakh 1953 Bk/ April , May 1896, he established a journal in Punjabi called Shuddhi Patra Khalsa Dharam Prakashak. A large number of converts were brought back into the Sikh fold through the initiative of Shuddhi Sabha. But the death on 9 June 1898 of its founder, Dr. Jai Singh, tolled its knell. Both the Sabha and its journal folded up soon afterwards.
Charak explains jatharagni is the one which gives bala to bhutagni and dhatwagni. For complete conversion agni is needed. Unless and until complete conversion of ahar into dhatuposhakansa does not take place they are not assimilated; such improperly converted dhatuposhakansa are called as the aparinamit dhatu or sama dhatu which offers resistance to the normal gati of vata dosha. 2b1af7f3a8