[S2E16] And Just Plane Magic
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As you made your way down there, assailed by a few of the creatures that existed in that tunnel, you found the exterior of this research facility, broke your way in, began to meander around and discover strange mysteries afoot in its construction. The urns throughout its vicinity, the strange wisps of spiritual energy that came to assault you in the process. Bypassing traps, mostly, kind of. Completing the mystery of the strange, arcane runes in the ceiling and the schools of magic that they seemed to connect to. And you found your way into some sort of secret study or den where there were research tables set up, a mostly empty bookshelf, braziers filled with ash to the side between pillars, two small chambers with these cages with tight-knit bars containing urns and empty nooses hanging above and seemingly filled with ash. You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind. You [Caleb] recovered a book of notes and began to read through to get a feel for the person or entity that seemed to have written what remained of these pages. And around this time, the wind began to pick up in the center of the chamber as this darkened figure began to rise from the stonework. This large, tattered cloak of a figure, just spreading and whipping around like this sudden wind is tossing aside sails of a dark ship. You see this skeletal, ghostly face begin to emerge from it. Its voice slowly hissing out, \"My secrets are yours,\" as you saw small glows begin to emerge from the ash in the urns.\"
Suddenly Child's pillar went out; she had lost the backing of the other Chaos Lords. She was still a great threat, however, and summoned fire rain, which Zatanna blocked with a magic shield. Child summoned tendrils of energy which she used to ensnare Fate. Meanwhile, Traci noticed Flaw's flaw and targeted it, destroying him and banishing Child from the mortal plane. Klarion quickly departed, and the others all congratulated Traci. Fate admitted the students had impressed him, and Zatanna agreed they had showed great potential.[2]
Philip vehemently opposes witches and magic, attributed to his early exposure to the beliefs and practices of witch-hunting as a child. Thus, he made it his purpose to protect humanity from the dangers of witchcraft in the name of justice. By the time he was an adult, his maladjustment to the Boiling Isles' magical atmosphere and residents only fueled his grudge, and grew to despise them further after having his nose broken by Lilith. After becoming Belos, his hatred of witches and ambition for power grew more. His philosophy that witches were evil would soon evolve into wanting genocide against them. Conversely, he argued that his actions were righteous and for the protection of humanity, and due to this belief, he was extremely ruthless, and would not hesitate to eliminate anyone who opposed him under this excuse, no matter how cruel his actions were.
Philip Wittebane was born in the Human Realm in the early seventeenth century as the younger brother of Caleb. The brothers were orphaned at a relatively young age; as the older of the two, Caleb had to look after Philip. During Philip's childhood, Caleb carved Philip a mask resembling the one he would one day come to own.[6] The brothers first arrived in the town of Gravesfield in the Connecticut Colony in 1613. After their arrival, the brothers would become witch-hunters, a practice common in Gravesfield at the time, as a means of acclimating. This changed, however, when the two encountered a witch from the Demon Realm named Evelyn. Caleb was captivated by Evelyn's magic and soon, he developed a bond with Evelyn, where he eventually left the Human Realm to follow her back to the Demon Realm. Philip, believing his brother was led astray by Evelyn's intentions, followed in pursuit to bring her to justice.[9]
Unfortunately for the Emperor, Hunter returns empty-handed. He informs Belos that he was attacked and the palismen got away. Belos is disappointed with him, and when Hunter suggests that he tells him how wild magic did this to him, he lashes out and summons a tendril that just barely misses his nephew's face. He forgives Hunter for his actions, as he knows he can do better.[4]
Meanwhile, Mel and Harry decipher a page in the book that refers to a Sentinel and decide they need to drink some magical tea and meditate for five hours while their spirits travel to the astral plane. They ask Katrina (magic shop bae) to meditate with them cause they need an anchor. When they go on their journey, they meet the Sentinel of the BOE who returns their powers to them, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Harry and Macy are still investigating the Faction that appears to be using the dead with their magic to create monsters. Meanwhile, Mel and Maggie are sparring. Macy arrives to have coffee with Julian. He asked her if she's playing hard to get because she's late. She tells him she's just busy. He just wants to know if she's into their relationship. She tells him that she is. He passes her a box, a necklace.
Tabletop Games Typically every miniature in any one unit in Warhammer 40,000 will share a single body type. While the reason for this is clearly to simplify the design process and cut costs, this is sometimes given a hand-wave justification in the backstory. For example, Space Marines are all male because gene-seed is keyed to male hormones. Mage: The Awakening: Unlike other spells that produce overtly unnatural effects, Healing isn't classified as Vulgar magic and therefore doesn't automatically threaten a Magic Misfire. One sourcebook attributes the inconsistency to the Oracles tweaking the rules of magic to cut some slack for people who are already in a bad situation. The Forge Master Kalvis wields a titanium cane with multiple Magic Enhancements. In-Universe, Muggles usually accept \"it's titanium\" as an excuse for its improbable potency... like being able to beat through a brick wall.
However, they saw Katschai using his magic by creating a snowstorm onto Rocket and get stuck in the snow! Then Annie had an idea that she can sing a special song that will help and the nerpa seal is going to help too! So they sang as the sun rises up and made the snow melt! But makes another snowstorm which became bigger! Then Rocket and the others use the feather's magic onto Annie, so she can sing even louder! So she and the seal sang even louder as the sun starts to melt the mountain of snow off Rocket. As for Katschai, he got himself stuck in a pile of snow! Then they continue the rescue until Rocket heard the firebird's music and see the feather is pointing to the village of Dancing Shapes. So Rocket headed that way until Quincy spotted a circle, a triangle, and a square. They just can't seem to dance without the firebird's magic. But Rocket uses the feather onto the shapes, so they can dance again.
Hiasen continues his training with the Captain, though is frustrated again for the lack of any breakthrough. He complains to Mr. Penguin, who explains to him the difference between a Shadow Nine and a Dream Nine: Hiasen needs to be asleep and able to distinguish between dream and reality to use his Nine, while the Captain's Nine works on everything that has a shadow. Mr. Penguin mentions the need of a sign to tell apart dream and reality and Hiasen remembers holding a paper plane in his dream when his Innate Mana first activated, so he goes to bed holding one. Ran uses his magic to help Hiasen find the plane in his dream.[15] Hiasen is a child in his dream and plays with the plane, making it fly fast and accidentally popping out of his dream, injuring Mr. Penguin.[70] Penguin adds to his previous explanation, that Hiasen needs to realize he's dreaming and control his dream.
In the following training session, the Captain explains that he's not able to use his Mana on ghosts, at which point Hiasen mentions his motive to join Yeohadan was to help a ghost he knows.[71] After another failed magic use exercise, the Captain states the possibility that Hiasen's habit of learning about the theories of things might be the reason he struggles with magic, because magic is based on instincts. Hiasen then shoots another paper plane, cutting of parts of the Captain's bangs and not knowing how he did that, so the Captain assumes that Hiasen probably had seen such magic before and memorized it due to his perfect memory, but since Hiasen wasn't dreaming, it was probably not his Nine that he used. Captain then explains that Magic Circles are a way to use magic without using Innate Mana.[11]
Some time later, Hiasen overhears a conversation wherein the Captain's Secretary complains to Ten about the favoritism the Captain is showing towards Hiasen. Hiasen doesn't want to trouble anyone and asks the Captain to fix his hair after the paper plane incident, fearing people could talk bad about him, and he starts avoiding the Captain.[72] During a visit from Kasin, Hiasen asks for advice, as he actually likes the Captain (he doesn't mention he's talking about the Captain, though) and he is only avoiding him to not bother anyone. Kasin suggests to just talk the person[73] which Hiasen does straightaway. He doesn't know, the Captain had already figured out what was going on and arranged steps to fix the issue on his own, so is fine with the Captain just hearing him out. He reports back to Kasin, that he's feeling better after speaking his mind.[74] The Captain thinks about Hiasen's word and admits to him that he was selfish for using Hiasen as a \"shield\", because he really liked that he didn't have to see \"them\" anymore, and that he would prefer it if Hiasen would come to his office as a friend and not as a worker from here on. Hiasen first doesn't understand, but then realizes, that he was fired from the Captain's office and transfers back to Ten's Weneritana Department.[75]
Hiasen's Mana test must be supervised by the Captain[108] to control his Mana in case something happens. Hiasen breaks the Mana Activation Device in his subspace as instructed and suddenly faints after seeing his subspace-self for a second. The subspace-self takes over his body complaining why they threw trash into his Dreams and telling the Captain to take his hands off him or else he'll kill him.[12] He just wants to pass the exam fast to get access to the archive, but the Captain is free to give him more things if he wishes. Supposedly as a joke, the Captain offers Hiasen his position if Hiasen would do him the favor to kill him, but thinks it would be too hard to actually beat him, so Hiasen shall just take his tie from him. When Hiasen starts using his dream magic on the Captain, the latter overrides it with his Shadow. In the subspace Hiasen sees a Ghost in their and panics. The Captain ceases the test and gets kicked by Hiasen and asked, if the thing in his shadow was some kind of pet. He didn't expect Hiasen would face something in there.[29] Hiasen doesn't want to be taken into the Captain's subspace ever again. When he reports about his horrific experience in there, the Captain states the assumption that Hiasen would have been fine, if not for his subspace-self and that there was another instance where a dream mage had entered his shadows, but the Captain didn't realize that the issue occured due to another subconscious within the subspace until Hiasen's test.The fact that he saw Senika in Hiasen's subspace, the Captain leaves unmentioned.[18][27]Hiasen passes the exam and has now access to the archive. The incident from 16 years ago is the first thing he looks up, finding out that the case was never closed but just transferred to the Trump of Honor, that Puishang was too weak to fight such a strong team and that Ran Bellenepia's was also born on October 10th. Hearing that it was the Tessera and the President of the Mana Association who took away the case from Yeohadan Hiasen starts thinking that it might be problematic to walk around looking up further things on this case.[27]Equipped with this knowledge he asks Mr. Penguin about his family but Mr. Penguin gives him a very troubled expression and Hiasen is fine with not receiving an answer.[27] 59ce067264