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Tuning of Fuzzy Logic Controller for a DC Motor Based on Particle Swarm Optimization PDFHanan A.R. Akkar, Ahlam Najim A-Amir, Mohammed S. SalehThis paper presents an active method to determine the parameters of the membership functions of a F.L. Controller. To provide an optimum performance of the system, the parameters of the membership functions of a fuzzy logic system can be tuned through particle swarm optimization (PSO), so the shape of these functions will vary according to the variables, then the fuzzy control output changes and the performance of the system will be changed.
Removal of Zinc from Aqueous Solution Using Adsorption Phenomena PDFSushma V RachayyanavarAdsorption is one of the most popular methods for the removal of pollutants from effluents since proper design of the adsorption process will produce high quality treated effluents. The most frequently applied adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal is activated carbon. However it is an expensive material. The use of alternative and perhaps cheaper adsorbents is attractive. In the present study, industrial wastes generated in thermal power plant and in sawmill i.e., coal fly ash and sawdust are used as adsorbents in both active and inactive form, for the removal of Zinc ions from the synthetic zinc solution and to evaluate the adsorptive capacities of the same. Increase in the solution concentration decreases the removal efficiency. The optimum contact time for inactive fly ash, active fly ash, inactive sawdust and active sawdust are 60, 120, 60 and 120 minutes respectively. Increase in mass of adsorbent leads to increase in metal ion adsorption due to increase in number of active adsorption sites. Maximum adsorption at pH 6-7 was observed for sawdust and at higher pH value of 8, adsorption was favorable for fly ash. The Freundlich Adsorption model was best fitted for sawdust and fly ash in active and inactive form for the adsorption of Zinc. The experimental data did not represent best fit for Langmuir Adsorption model. The industrial wastes: Fly ash and Sawdust can be used effectively as adsorbents in removal of zinc.
Galvanostatic Removal of Lead from Simulated Chloride Wastewaters using a Flow-by Fixed Bed Electrochemical Cell: Taguchi approach PDFAli Hussein Abbar, Abbas Hamid Sulaymon, Sawsan A. M. MohammedThe Taguchi parameter design approach was used to find the optimal conditions for electrolytic Pb(II) removal using a flow-by fixed bed electrochemical cell composed of a vertical stack of stainless steel screens. The investigated process parameters were initial metal ion concentration, current, flow rate, and mesh number of screen. Removal, current efficiencies, and energy consumption were considered as responses for the optimization of metal removal. An orthogonal array L9, the signal-to-noise(S/N) ratio, and the analysis of variance were used to analyze the effect of selected process parameters and their levels on the performance of Pb(II) removal.The results indicated that concentration and current have the major effect on performance of lead removal. Flow rate and screen mesh number have lower contribution on the performance of Pb(II) removal and their contributions are close in all responses. The optimum values of control factors were Pb(II) initial concentration 200ppm, current 0.58A, flow rate 7l/min ,and mesh number 40 wire/in. The highest current and removal efficiencies were 48.5% and 89.7% respectively with energy consumption (2.43kwhkg-1). The results of confirmatory runs under the optimum conditions indicated that this methodology is more efficient in optimizing the process parameters.
Treatment of ethylene spent caustic pollutant using sulfuric acid PDFALI FARZI, SAEID MOSLEMI BAYRAMICaustic soda is used in naphtha cracking units and petroleum refineries for sweetening of hydrocarbon streams. The generated caustic waste is an environmental pollutant and must be removed. Several methods are proposed for treatment of spent caustic such as wet air oxidation, biological treatment, etc. Spent caustic used in this work is prepared from Tabriz Petrochemical Company. In this work sulfuric acid was used for treatment of spent caustic which not only removes the waste, but also generates valuable product of sodium sulfate. In each experiment, 1L of spent caustic was taken and its color and phenol were removed by oxidization with H2O2. Then, 50 mL sulfuric acid was added and treatment process was performed. Different samples were taken at specified time periods to calculate percent waste conversion. The results showed that after 2.5 minutes it was about 79%, 84% and 92% at 25, 35 and 45C, respectively.
Lossless Huffman coding for image compression and decompression based on block and code book size using K-Means algorithm in spatial and frequency domain PDFAli Tariq Bhatti, Dr. Jung H. KimImages are basic source of information for almost all scenarios that degrades its quality both in visually and quantitatively way. It is one of the best techniques to apply in spatial and frequency filtering domain. Image compression using K-Means algorithm is an area characterized by need for extensive experimental work to establish the viability of proposed solutions to a given problem which is highly used in all applications like medical imaging, satellite imaging, and in optimization problems, etc. In this research paper, read an image of equal dimensional size (width and length) from MATLAB. Initialize and extract M-dimensional vectors or blocks from that image. However, initialize and design a code-book of size N for the compression. Quantize that image by using K-Means Algorithm to design a decode with table-lookup for reconstructing compressed image of different 8 scenarios. Compute the histogram equalization, discrete fourier transform, and fourier spectrum for the original and reconstructed image. Hence, perform that image compression in spatial filtering domain to distinguish it with the frequency filtering domain. To get in more detailed and experimental purposes, how this compressed reconstructed image pass through low pass and high pass filter from different techniques (Ideal, Gaussian, and Butterworth) in frequency filtering domain. With the help of vector quantizing K-Means clustering algorithm, evaluate and analyze the performance metrics (compression ratio, bit-rate, PSNR, MSE and SNR) for reconstructed compress image with different scenarios depending on size of block and code-book. Once finally, check the execution time, how fast it computes that compressed image in one of the best scenarios. The main aim of Lossless Huffman coding using block and codebook size for image compression in spatial and frequency domain is to convert the image to a form better that is suited for analysis to human by using K-Means algorithm. In this research paper, performance metrics also notifies from scenario (figure 57(c), when M=16 and N-25, if threshold=0.1) to perform lesser entropy and higher the average length for lossless Huffman coding on image compression using K-Means Algorithm,. Finally, in this research paper that scenario 8 from figure 3, image has a higher PSNR, SNR and lesser Compression ratio shows a better quality of reconstructed image using K-Means algorithm in terms of Lossless Huffman coding in spatial and frequency domain.
Optimization of Chip Load for Improved Surface Finish In Milling Inconel718 PDFFaisal .M. Ali, S.C.BorseIn this study, an attempt has been conducted to investigate the effects of cutting parameters on surface roughness during End milling of Inconel718 material By taking into account the taguchi method .The experimental results have revealed that the Chip load and cutting speed has most significant effect on surface roughness. The present approach and results will be helpful for understanding the machinability and surface characteristics of Inconel718 during End milling for the manufacturing engineers Analysis of variance is used to study the effect of process parameters and established correlation among the chip load, speed and depth of cut with respect to Ra. The result are further confirmed by experiments. Finally output parameters like surface finish can be optimized for economical production.
Emerging trends in analytics PDFSami AlosaimiIn this paper we discuss the technology and enterprise-adoption trends in the area of business analytics. Also, you are able to see example and research results.
Methodology of vibroacoustic isolation selection for utilization in checkweighting systems PDFPawel Nowak, Marcin Kaminski, Roman SzewczykPaper presents methodology of vibroisolation selection on the example checkweighter system. Analyzed system was simplified - main modules are represented by the concentrated masses, connected by universal models of bonds. In paper two ways of determination of bonds parameters are presented. First way requires physical presence of analyzed system and can be utilized for applying vibroisolation on developed system in order to minimize vibration transmission to the system. Second way can be applied during system development. Utilization of Finite Element Method analyses allows to design proper shape of bonds between modules. Presented method utilizes numerical simulations for different parameters of vibroisolation. Multiparameter optimization provides significant reduction of vibration transmission to the crucial elements of checkweighter system. Due to that mass measurement accuracy can be significantly improved.
A Framework for Prioritizing Intervention Projects in Slums PDFMohamed F. Ahmed, Omar H. El-Anwar, Walid A. AttiaSlums represent major national challenges in developing countries. Various intervention strategies can be adopted to upgrade and/or replace slums, but are often faced with serious challenges; including planning, construction, social, and economic challenges. Selecting the most suitable intervention strategies for each slum area and determining the priorities of these intervention startegies are important goals in the development process. This paper presents a novel and comprehensive framework that is capable of supporting planning authorities in identifying (1) the needed intervention strategies for the slums area and (2) the optimal priorities among these intervention projects. In the proposed framework, decision are made taking into consideration three main factors; namely (1) the priority package within which an intervention project can be classified; (2) the benefit to cost ratio for each project; and (3) the construction sequence within the same area. In lieu of this analysis, the proposed framework computes an urgency factor and a vector of benefits indices for each intervention project. This paper also presents an application example to demonstrate the potentials of the proposed framework. 153554b96e