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1.Do not upload any copyrighted material.2. Do not upload any material that may infringe the rights of any third party.3.All uploads are distributed over a server of parallel.com and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of parallel.com4. Do not use copyrighted materials for your own personal purposes. The owners of parallel.com reserve the right to remove any uploaded material that violates this rule.When I heard that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was hosting the 2019 World Cup, I had some reservations about the sport’s growing popularity in Africa. Certainly the Chinese economy has long favored basketball, soccer, and even hockey, so I wasn’t particularly optimistic about the spread of football. But I had other worries, too. It was the first World Cup to be held in Africa. Would the home team qualify? Could the infrastructure handle something this big? And most importantly, I wondered, what will become of the tens of thousands of young, jobless footballers in Kinshasa?
Surprisingly, the answer to all these questions is yes. Kinshasa has hosted six major sporting events in the past two years, from two World Cups, to the Group of 20 Summit, the International Youth Forum, and the World Youth Athletics Championships. This year the city is hosting 20 World Cup matches, with a corporate sponsorship value of more than $14 million. And it’s all part of a plan to boost the country’s economy — in the “long term.”
“The World Cup represents a major milestone for the new government,” Leopold Kabinda, president of the DRC Football Federation and brother of Kinshasa’s mayor, told me after attending his team’s first training session at the Louis Lumumba stadium. “Our goal is to replicate this level of success on a regional, national, and continental basis.”
Related: FIFA’s #RiseUp in a World at ‘War’
As Kabinda emphasized, the World Cup is a chance for the country to showcase itself as a modern, industrial-based economy. A huge government-sponsored advertising campaign is underway, with more than $6 million in advertising money split between FIFA, the DRC Ministry of Sport, and the DRC Football Federation, with 0b46394aab
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